
Our custom and pre-fabricated orthotics restore mobility, relieve pain, reduce and prevent deformity and improve overall biomechanical function. We fit clients with braces for sports, fractures, arthritis, spinal injuries, scoliosis and neuromuscular conditions including polio, CVA, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, spina bifida and muscular dystrophy.
- They off-load more proximal joints by reducing ground reaction forces via postural changes, load distribution and torsional blocks.
- They calm elevated tone using tone-reducing pressure points and positioning within a motion guidance design, allowing greater voluntary control.
- They manage spinal pain and instability both kinesthetically and mechanically by sensory and postural feedback.
- They assist or strengthen muscle weakness or joint laxity by acting as an antagonist to the affected joint.
Bracing – Neurological & Orthopedic
- Ankle foot orthoses (AFO)
- Knee ankle foot orthoses (KAFO)
- Sports braces (ankle, wrist, elbow, shoulder)
- Knee braces
- Spinal braces (jackets, collars, etc.)
- Hip braces (Pavlik harness)
- Scoliosis braces
- Walking cast boot

Ankle Braces and Ankle Foot Orthotics
Ankle braces are worn to protect, immobilise, and support the ankle joint, to decrease pain, instability, and reduce the risk of injury. Ankle braces are available in various degrees of support – from soft neoprene styles which provide general support and enhanced proprioception to the ankle, through to rigid braces which completely immobilise the joint.
An ankle foot orthosis extends further up the lower leg than a typical ankle brace. The ankle foot orthosis can provide – stability to the ankle, protection of the foot, control of ankle motion, energy storage for toe-off, or off-load weight on the foot and ankle.
There are many conditions that may require an ankle foot orthosis. A common use for an ankle foot orthosis is foot drop. An AFO (ankle foot orthosis) can assist by clearing the toes through the swing phase of gait, thereby improving energy expenditure and decreasing the risk of falling.